Tuesday, September 3, 2013

LGF Team Meeting - Planning Session

LGF Team Meeting 
September 3, 2013

  • Roles and Responsibilities - Discussion
Lab Group Facilitator Role Opportunities 
Identified through dialogue with small groups.
1. Supporting "topic-based" meetings by taking roles, ie Recorder, Facilitator and modeling
2. Using Adaptive Schools techniques in classroom and modeling for others as additional practice.
3. Advocating for Adaptive Schools in ALL settings.
4. Acting as representatives for Lab Groups, to report to the LGF group (to aid in decisions or communications.)

Priorities for next steps based on the Role Opportunities
#4 - Identify Representative Roles as appropriate - sometimes.
#2 and #1 - Using strategies in teams and class - modelling.

  • Calendar Review - Discussion
    • September 15 - Staff Meeting
    • September 30 - Inservice Day - Early Release
    • October 6 - Staff Meeting
    • October 22 - Parent Coffee
    • November 10 - Staff Meeting
    • November 21 - Rainbow Day/ Early Release
    • December 1 Staff Meeting
Decision: group came to agreement that we would at least have an activity for teaching Adaptive Schools Strategies at each staff meting that would be facilitated by two members of the LGF Team. 

  • Tabled Agenda Items

  • Practice and Planning Designations - Discussion

  • AS Discussion Topics

  • Future Meeting Agendas and Responsibilities - Discussion
    • Staff Meetings
    • Professional Development Days
    • AS Meeting times 
      • Facilitation Responsibilities for LGF Meetings.

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