Monday, September 16, 2013

Adaptive Schools - Staff Meeting - September 15, 2013

Thanks and congrats to Luther and Kerry for their presentation, facilitation and work with the staff at our meeting yesterday.   It's evident that they took the time to plan out a success meeting and incorporated a lot of Adaptive Schools strategies into their work. 
Congratulations on a great job continuing to set the stage for our work together as a staff.  Thanks also to the group for taking a few minutes afterward to reflect upon the experience and talk about next steps. 

I've taken a few of their slide images from the day for everyone to review.  I'll also add these to the staff blog for their access.  I also took a few action shots of the day, but wouldn't you know it, my iPad is somewhere else.  Drat!  Next time.  Good to document the work and the positive tone of the staff during the work.

Thanks everyone for all your efforts!


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