Tuesday, September 10, 2013

Adaptive Schools LGF meeting - Focusing Four Practice and Planning Session

Great meeting today.  Kudos to Dan and Kendra for their excellent facilitation strategies!  It takes a lot to facilitate and lead your peers through new learning and they were great. Good models for future facilitation. 

Thanks also to everyone who participated and worked toward an end result from which to move forward. 

I took screenshots of the work we accomplished.  The circled areas will be part of our dialogue and discussions regarding future work to do with the staff.

Thanks again for the time and your commitment to the process.  We'll meet again next Tuesday at 7:30 am.  Set your alarms now. 

Have a good night ahead.


So, our future work will start with focusing on how to share and present learning and practice opportunities in the areas of:

  • Energy Sources
  • Conflict and Community
  • The 5 Meeting Standards
  • Posing Questions
  • Two Ways of Talking (Dialogue and Discussion)
  • 3 Types of Paraphrases

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for such thoughtful participation in this Focusing Four activity! One thing that Dan H. and I talked about after folks left was that next time, the facilitators need to remember NOT to number the options generated in the "Brainstorming" phase. We wait to number the options until the very end of the "Clarification" stage. This allows for combining & eliminating of ideas, without having to re-do the numbering. (Remember in Bangkok, Bob & Carolyn forgot this as well when the did the demo.) -DE
