Saturday, September 21, 2013

Adaptive Schools Sourcebook as an e-book

Good morning.  I know we've been waiting for the Adaptive Schools books for some time now. Sharing the few we have has been ok, but I realize how nice it would be to have more, optimally one for everyone in the group.

I'm excited to share that I found a link this weekend to purchase the Adaptive Schools Sourcebook as an e-book. And I just downloaded it to see if it would work. And it does!  

There is an extra step as it requires a different e-book reader, but I think it will be worth it. 
I can't find a way to purchase multiple copies and gift them, so what I would propose is that if you would like an e-book copy for your iPad that you purchase one at the link below and the school will reimburse you. 

Type in Adaptive Schools and it will come up with the Sourcebook. Note:  if you do decide to do this, be sure to click the link that says, "buy e-book Now."

Once you've purchased the book it will open in the App. "Bluefire Reader". Which is available for free in the App Store. 

If you need any help with the install or purchase, let me know. Otherwise, feel free to download and turn in the receipt for reimbursement. 

Excited for this new opportunity. We will still order the hard copies so if you would prefer that instead that's ok. We will keep some or all of them on hand for others to reference. 


PS. I just found the undo command on the iPad keyboard in a moment of panic as I had just deleted everything I wrote after selecting all. Moment of panic turned into fortunate moment of learning. Not my preference for learning. 

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