Tuesday, September 24, 2013

Work Session - September 22, 2013

Thanks for the work this afternoon.  Please refer to the timeline document for the complete details of how we placed the topics for work with the staff through January 2014.

ES Adaptive Schools Work Fall/Winter 2013/14
September 30 - Early Release Inservice - Posing Questions DE JT : Meeting Standards- Roles KK DH & Meeting Inventory Handout - KH LR

October 6 Staff Meeting - Two Ways of Talking , Presuming Positive Intentions

November 10 Staff Meeting - Conflict and Community - JT FRE

November 21 Staff Inservice after Rainbow Day  - Review and Strategies, High Energy Activities

December 1 Staff Meeting - Paying Attn to Self and Others, Putting Ideas on the Table

January 8  Staff Meeting - 5 Meeting Standards - Review and Complete All

January 23- Early Release Inservice Energy Sources

Thanks also for the group feedback and inquiry into what will be presented next week at the inservice day.  A lot of great learning opportunities already this year and still to come.  

In our discussion regarding when to meet and frequency of meeting times, we elected to postpone a formal decision, but did come up with a plan for October and November. 

We'll plan to:

  • Debrief after the September 30 Inservice and plan out the work and responsibilities for October 6th.
  • Meet on at 3:45 sometime in mid-October as the schedule allows.  I'll propose a time.
  • Identify a half day work session for us to work together offsite and plan out the remaining work to be done through January or as far as we're able to get.  

Just a reminder as we are considering all this work.  Part of the time needs to be planning out the work with staff and what roles you will play in that.  The other part, and just as important to me, is to practice components of the Adaptive Schools work together to refine our own skills.

Thanks again for all the work today and up to this point.  Great things happening.  Glad you are all a part of it.


Professional Development Opportunities from the TAISM Staff Calendar 2013-14

Adaptive Schools PD Opportunities to consider placing as per Focusing Four work in September 2013

Topics to Place
Energy Sources
Conflict and Community
5 Meeting Standards
Posing Questions
Two Ways of Talking
3 Types of Paraphrases
7 Norms of Collaboration

Saturday, September 21, 2013

Adaptive Schools Sourcebook as an e-book

Good morning.  I know we've been waiting for the Adaptive Schools books for some time now. Sharing the few we have has been ok, but I realize how nice it would be to have more, optimally one for everyone in the group.

I'm excited to share that I found a link this weekend to purchase the Adaptive Schools Sourcebook as an e-book. And I just downloaded it to see if it would work. And it does!  

There is an extra step as it requires a different e-book reader, but I think it will be worth it. 
I can't find a way to purchase multiple copies and gift them, so what I would propose is that if you would like an e-book copy for your iPad that you purchase one at the link below and the school will reimburse you. 

Type in Adaptive Schools and it will come up with the Sourcebook. Note:  if you do decide to do this, be sure to click the link that says, "buy e-book Now."

Once you've purchased the book it will open in the App. "Bluefire Reader". Which is available for free in the App Store. 

If you need any help with the install or purchase, let me know. Otherwise, feel free to download and turn in the receipt for reimbursement. 

Excited for this new opportunity. We will still order the hard copies so if you would prefer that instead that's ok. We will keep some or all of them on hand for others to reference. 


PS. I just found the undo command on the iPad keyboard in a moment of panic as I had just deleted everything I wrote after selecting all. Moment of panic turned into fortunate moment of learning. Not my preference for learning. 

Tuesday, September 17, 2013

Sunday's Presenters

September 17, 2013 Morning Meeting

September 17, 2013

Thanks to everyone for coming in before school today.  We had a productive meeting with some good dialogue and discussion while incorporating paraphrasing, posing questions and putting ideas on the table.  Upon reflection of the conversation, one of the things I especially noticed this time was the degree to which people Paused before speaking.  Thanks everyone for truly listening and considering the perspectives of the rest of the group.

From our meeting today, here were the take-aways.

1. The 6 things we identified from the Focusing Four Activity that we did will be plenty for us to work on this year.  There are other things that will be incorporated into them, but they will be the main focus points along with the 7 Norms of Collaboration.
2. At our next meeting, we will work to place the major items onto the yearlong calendar of PD opportunities.
3. We identified the topics for the September 30th Inservice Day meeting.  Posing Questions and addressing the area of Roles in the 5 Meeting Standards.  I've updated the Google Doc. We'll hear some general ideas from the presenters about the topics at our next meeting.
4. We haven't yet come to agreement on meeting times.  There are a number of options on the table.  Next week, we'll use the calendar information along with our other conversations thus far to discuss both the frequency of and times for meeting together.  For now, we've agreed to meet on Tuesday the 24th at 4:40 PM.
5. Thanks for the juice and cinnamon rolls.

Our Agenda for our next meeting will be:
1. Look at Timeline for year and place the major topics in for PD Opportunities

  • Energy Sources
  • Conflict and Community
  • 5 Meeting Standards
  • Posing Questions
  • Two Ways of Talking
  • 3 Types of Paraphrases
  • along with
  • 7 Norms of Collaboration

2. Discussing the Meetings Frequency and Time

3. Presenters for September 30 sharing their initial thoughts on what will be presented and facilitated.
Shooting for 50 minutes.

Thanks again for all your work and time.  I fully recognize and greatly appreciate the commitment.


Monday, September 16, 2013

Adaptive Schools - Staff Meeting - September 15, 2013

Thanks and congrats to Luther and Kerry for their presentation, facilitation and work with the staff at our meeting yesterday.   It's evident that they took the time to plan out a success meeting and incorporated a lot of Adaptive Schools strategies into their work. 
Congratulations on a great job continuing to set the stage for our work together as a staff.  Thanks also to the group for taking a few minutes afterward to reflect upon the experience and talk about next steps. 

I've taken a few of their slide images from the day for everyone to review.  I'll also add these to the staff blog for their access.  I also took a few action shots of the day, but wouldn't you know it, my iPad is somewhere else.  Drat!  Next time.  Good to document the work and the positive tone of the staff during the work.

Thanks everyone for all your efforts!


Tuesday, September 10, 2013

Adaptive Schools LGF meeting - Focusing Four Practice and Planning Session

Great meeting today.  Kudos to Dan and Kendra for their excellent facilitation strategies!  It takes a lot to facilitate and lead your peers through new learning and they were great. Good models for future facilitation. 

Thanks also to everyone who participated and worked toward an end result from which to move forward. 

I took screenshots of the work we accomplished.  The circled areas will be part of our dialogue and discussions regarding future work to do with the staff.

Thanks again for the time and your commitment to the process.  We'll meet again next Tuesday at 7:30 am.  Set your alarms now. 

Have a good night ahead.


So, our future work will start with focusing on how to share and present learning and practice opportunities in the areas of:

  • Energy Sources
  • Conflict and Community
  • The 5 Meeting Standards
  • Posing Questions
  • Two Ways of Talking (Dialogue and Discussion)
  • 3 Types of Paraphrases

Tuesday, September 3, 2013

LGF Team Meeting - Planning Session

LGF Team Meeting 
September 3, 2013

  • Roles and Responsibilities - Discussion
Lab Group Facilitator Role Opportunities 
Identified through dialogue with small groups.
1. Supporting "topic-based" meetings by taking roles, ie Recorder, Facilitator and modeling
2. Using Adaptive Schools techniques in classroom and modeling for others as additional practice.
3. Advocating for Adaptive Schools in ALL settings.
4. Acting as representatives for Lab Groups, to report to the LGF group (to aid in decisions or communications.)

Priorities for next steps based on the Role Opportunities
#4 - Identify Representative Roles as appropriate - sometimes.
#2 and #1 - Using strategies in teams and class - modelling.

  • Calendar Review - Discussion
    • September 15 - Staff Meeting
    • September 30 - Inservice Day - Early Release
    • October 6 - Staff Meeting
    • October 22 - Parent Coffee
    • November 10 - Staff Meeting
    • November 21 - Rainbow Day/ Early Release
    • December 1 Staff Meeting
Decision: group came to agreement that we would at least have an activity for teaching Adaptive Schools Strategies at each staff meting that would be facilitated by two members of the LGF Team. 

  • Tabled Agenda Items

  • Practice and Planning Designations - Discussion

  • AS Discussion Topics

  • Future Meeting Agendas and Responsibilities - Discussion
    • Staff Meetings
    • Professional Development Days
    • AS Meeting times 
      • Facilitation Responsibilities for LGF Meetings.

Sunday, September 1, 2013

Initial Conversations

I'd like for this Blog to be a shared opportunity to document and plan our work together with Adaptive Schools in the elementary school this year.  

I'm hopeful that we will be able to strategize and learn together throughout the year, being able to review and reflect on our work together using this site.

Whether it is sharing strategies, reflecting on work or planning work with the staff, this should be the place for everyone to contribute.  

Looking forward to the learning and collaboration ahead!