Monday, November 7, 2016

Lab Group Facilitators Meeting 11-5-16

November 20 ES Staff Meeting - Presentation

Items we identified for our Adaptive Schools Growth Opportunities for us as a group and for us as a staff. 

Monday, May 16, 2016

Focusing Four ES Programmatic Planning 2016-17

Thanks and congratulations to Dan and Kelly for their successful facilitation of the Focusing Four activity at our last staff meeting.  My only regret from the activity was that I didn't take a moment to take any action shots.  Next time. 

The process allowed the different items to rise to the surface for the whole staff to see in a respectful, non-confrontational way.  I look forward to reviewing the data and starting to plan for the possibilities next year.  In the coming week I'll also work to communicate some thoughts on the results to the staff overall. 

What Rises to the Surface?
Revisiting Our Class Placement Model 20
Steps for Challenging Behaviors 18
Classroom Management Study 17
Social Emotional Learning Curriculum 17
Report Card 16
PD on ELL and Student Support Students 16
Alignment of Science Standards and Looking at NGSS 14
Mentor Program 14
PD on Emotional Needs 13
Scheduling 12

Teacher input w/ Assistants' PD  10
Building capacity for Adaptive Schools work  10
How we report on literacy  8
Teacher sharing @ staff meeting  8
Scheduling Concerns - Mind the gaps  8
Opportunities to involve parents effectively  8
Consistent ELL/SS aides in a particular class 7
Opportunities for Professional Dialogue  7
Teacher input on duty schedule  6
Analyze us of assistants' time  6
Purpose and function of Parent Teacher Conf.  6
Adding staff in upper ES/ELL/SS  5
Professional Book Clubs  5
Health Curriculum  5
Gifted Program  3
Managing PE between ES/MS/HS 2
Field use after school 1

Two Resources if you are interested.  Found the blog by accident, but some good stuff on it.


Focusing Four Process Notecards in pdf

Thanks as always for all the collaborative work.

Sunday, May 1, 2016

LGF Meeting - May 1, 2016

Great conversation today regarding the demographics of who are staff are next year in relation to their tenure in the TAISM ES along with the implications of that information.

Agenda for May 15
  • Library Conversation - Brooke
    • Discussion or Dialogue re: Library - Function, purpose and usage - how’d it go this year?  What might you like to see next year?  Possibly a Google Form?
  • Group Activity - Hmmm- Data for next year’s staff- Implications for support, planning and professional development
    • Staffing Data 2016-17 - Dan and?
  • 2016-17 Program and Work Priorities - Dan E and Kelly - Focusing Four
    • What topics, work, or program components do we see as priorities to focus on in 2016-17?
Focusing Four - Professional Development or Organizational Development Next Year
  • Start with the understanding that we will identify a myriad of things to consider and what will be areas of focus can’t be everything.  Some things will need to rise to the surface, either because of need, interest, passion or requirement.
    • What is a priority for you?
    • What is a priority for us?
    • What is a priority for our students?

Agenda for May 29
Celebratory Reflections
Evidencing Who We Are.  An Opportunity to step back and celebrate our work and reflect on our work to come.
What are the things we do on a daily basis to :
Realize our Essential Agreements
  • TAISM  Elementary students, parents and staff comprise a learning community which is characterized by collaboration, participation and meaningful communication.
  • TAISM is a physically and emotionally safe environment where everyone can experience personal success and be a contributing member of our positive and respectful community.
  • TAISM’s elementary program strives to balance the physical, emotional, social and academic well-being of each student, encouraging them to  explore their individual passions.
  • TAISM staff guide students toward success by engaging them in the learning process, characterized by learning experiences appropriate for each child.
  • TAISM elementary staff incorporates best practices to provide quality instruction by working collaboratively and pursuing opportunities for reflection and professional development.

What do you specifically see others doing consistently for every child and every parent to model or realize this expectation?

Tuesday, March 15, 2016

Hallway Expectations

We agreed to review Hallway Expectations in February.  Here is what was communicated in October.

"Given that information, we will expect that classes are accompanied by a teacher when transitioning to classes, lunch or recess.  I realize there are still some things to refine and we will work through those in the coming months.  In February we will check the status of this decision and determine if there is a need revisit the issue."

Sunday, March 6, 2016

LGF Meeting - March 6, 2016

Strengths and Opportunities for Growth - Individual and ES Group

Strength and Opportunities for Growth

Thank you for the conversation today.  I appreciated the time and energy to look at some of the artifacts from the last few years of our Adaptive Schools work and the reflection and discussion about things we can do to move forward.  

I walked away from our meeting with a feeling that there are a lot of great things taking place and the opportunities for growth, both individual and as a group lie with refining and either building or maintaining the base we have for the work we are doing.  

To that end, here are some of the ideas generated as to ways we might move forward.

For our LGF
I will make it a point to identify opportunities for us to enhance our skills in using the norm of paraphrasing.  Wherever we are at, to grow in our use, comfort and ability to "shift" as necessary.  

For our Staff
A number of ideas and themes came up for how to support our staff in the Adaptive Schools work.  Included in that list were:
  • Identifying a similar activity to the one we did today incorporating the norms to learn about our comfort level and knowledge individually and as a group.  
  • Identify Role Playing opportunities related to issues in our school that would model the norms or other aspects of AS work.  This could include paraphrasing, posing questions, etc.  
  • Create opportunities for staff to share ways that they are incorporating AS into their work with students.  Sharing and Learning from each other.
  • Create a purposeful component to the staff meetings which shares the strategies used and allows for review and reflection of purpose and effect. 
  • Consider ways for us to extend everyone's learning about and comfort with Adaptive Schools work.  This could include whole staff as well as differentiation opportunities.  

We left next steps for our staff meeting on March 20th as follows:
Present Agenda 
  • Technology - Showcasing our ES Work - Mike H

Possible Agenda Items 
  • Adaptive Schools - What it is with Power Point
  • Peer Observation Structures - Discussion
  • Math Professional Developmen - Discussion
  • Calendar - Next Year - Feedback
So, If you have an idea or something to share, please post it on the blog or provide a comment to this post.  Hopefully the thread will be useful in one of those ways.  If I don't hear from anyone by Sunday, I'll consider the timing poor and look for ways to incorporate some piece of the work in our next staff meeting.  

Thanks for the take aways today as well. 



Adaptive Schools Strategies Harvest - Archive - Nov. 2014

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