Saturday, October 5, 2013

Links to Adaptive Schools Resources

Adaptive Schools Reference from State Department Webpages
Thinking Collaborative Norms Toolkit

From Learning Forward (Previously the National Staff Development Council)- Written from the perspective of the principal, but very appropriate for all.
Learning Forward - Resistance to Positive Energy

Handouts from NESA Conference Adaptive Schools 2 day session
Adaptive Schools- NESA Sharon Storier

Tuesday, October 1, 2013

Deep Thought- OK Not so much. But I was thinking...

Was thinking about our Adaptive Schools work when I was in a class this week.  I've been noticing little changes and things people have included in how they give instructions and talk to the students.  Very exciting.  

For one class, I noticed a group who was straying way off topic and remembered how I was in a meeting recently with adults, and someone kiddingly, but also group-aware, said that we were no longer talking about the topic at hand.  It was a good reference to what we talked about with the staff regarding group norms and collaboration.  Which made me think....

I would love to have teachers teach students to recognize when they have moved off-topic and be able to say, “Tell me how what you are sharing relates to the topic.” Or something like that.  
Wouldn't that be a great skill to have as a student?